Thursday, January 10, 2013

It has been too many days without a post.  Check up time.  In the following areas-health-though I got the app I didn't start the actual execution of the plan.  Working on the diet part and with the increase in work hours, kids to the doctors-I figured I would focus on what I can.  So I am increasing water as my biggest down fall is sweet tea.  Problem-withdrawals.  Also I think I got myself a sinus infection as I feel like my head is in a vice.
Wealth-with the increase in work comes the increase in money-an important resource-so I feel good about progress on that one-when the paycheck comes we will see how that fairs.

Been working with Hunter on our word a day. -good

Bible study-fail-so focus on for this week.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year-Here we go.

So today I downloaded the app for my phone -if interested this is the app

As I am writing this it is 11:54am.  Today officially sucks.  I managed to be yelled at by everyone for some reason so far this morning.  Ugh and it is not yet noon.  I am so done with 2013 already.

I would like to say that the day got better, it did, in a way.  I invested in the Big Bang Theory first season and got some good laughs.  Tried out the above mentioned app and after work tomorrow going to try it out.  Goal is to finish a 5K not break the sound barrier.

That is it for today-short sweet and to the point.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Planning Plans

Plan for Wealth-write out budget.  Stick to budget.  Put at least 50% of remaining balance of extra income (if any) in a stay put savings account no matter the amount.

Health-researching and making the plan for a 5K  is a website that I am going to use as a guide. I hope.

Knowledge-got my word of the day calendar and set up my account on Rosetta Stone for Chinese lessons.

Ok all sketched out now for execution of the plan-the Nike theme of Just Do It comes to mind.

That is it for today.  Good bye 2012 and Happy 2013 New Year.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

What Dreams May Come?

For the past couple of nights I awoke from sleep with some pretty wild dreams.  Recently, 2x it is has been about winning the lottery (I wish that was real).  Admittedly, I do purchase the occasional ticket, however, the lucky one in the family is Spencer.  Even in China they had lottery games and while we were there we purchased a couple-just to say we did.  With not a thought about taxes and such but we had decided that if we won we would just donate it all to Spencer's orphanage.  While we were in his hometown we went to the corner store daily.  Each time Spencer would point to the scratch offs and we decided to buy one and we actually won the equivalent to 5 USD.  So Spencer got a ton of goodies..  Honestly, I really don't know if we won or if the store owner wanted to do something good for an orphan kid who will be leaving his hometown and wanted him to have a good memory.   Fast forward to Spencer's first trip to BJ's when we are home.  This is a kid with no English except "NO".  Also he was experiencing the normal grieving process of the adoption.  Yet when he saw the scratch off machine in BJ's he got all happy and excited and took me by the hand and pointed.  I, not a big fan of scratch offs, but a big fan of seeing this kid happy splurged and allowed him to pick out the ticket he wanted.  It was a winning ticket of  $50.00!  Since then, when he has had a desire to play he has won all but 2x.  Little amounts of either the price of the ticket or 10.00.  Nothing huge. Still enough to encourage a habit.  My hubby gets upset with me when I encourage this by buying whenever Spencer wants one.  So I don't do it anymore, as much.

Yet these dreams of the past couple of days got me thinking-if we won an obscene amount of money, how would we be stewards of it?  Pretty much how we spend our current rates of pay.

Tithe-I don't know if our church would accept money won from a lottery-but 10% gets used for God's purpose.  I do know that God has lead myself to donate and put the tithe towards His works that are not just a church-so if that is an issue I know that God would lead where he wants it.

Pay off bills, house, purchase cars that are not on their last legs (but not new-I will never buy a new car considering the price depreciation as soon as it goes off the lot).  Update the house, maybe purchase a new one or land to build a "family compound" on.

Then build a savings/trust accounts.  One for each of the kids, then an account that the interest alone would be the "income" for the monthly expenses.

Orphan/adoption support and care that is another big dream.  Help families with adoption costs and after the adoptions support and education.  Now with the bs that the Russian government is doing in terms of using orphans as pawns I would do something.  What?  Don't know.  But Something. Maybe hire those Amish Mafia guys (joking-that show is a new obsession of mine).

Anything left over?  That's when the real fun would begin.  Travel-back to China.  I don't know why but I fell in love with that country.  It is not really peaceful-I mean the cities are crowded, noisy and polluted.  The water smells-even out of the tap.  The locals don't drink the water without boiling it.  The government is corrupt, there are human rights violations, and, well I could go on and on.  Yet I am drawn back to that land.  I actually would like label it as being more homesick for it.  If I believed in past lives, I would venture to say that would have been one of mine.  I adore the history, and the architecture-I mean seeing pictures of the Great Wall, and actually climbing up to it (not for the faint of heart) and coming to the realization that it was built by human hands.  Hearing that the Chinese call it the Wall of Tears because of how many died. All young men were obligate to serve time building it (I think depending on the time any where from 1-5 years).  Many died before their time was up.
Seeing the Forbidden City and approaching it by way of Ti-amen gate/square and being in the very spot where the college student stood down a tank.  As we were crossing that street I stopped and said to our guide "this is the spot!"  As I went on to say about this is where that guy stood in front of those tanks(yep I stood in the middle of a street in Beijing again not for the faint of heart). Our guide gently took my arm and said "we do not discuss that" and quickly pointed to the military presence there in the square.  18 years later the goernment still wanted it know that they are in control.  The feeling I had at that moment did, and still brings me to tears.
China is in the midst of great change.  The people are becoming educated and empowered and the government knows  and fears it.  They arrest Christians and ask them why they believe in a book of fairy tales (Bible) yet if that is what they truly believe wouldn't Cinderella be limited on how many copies you can own?  I was told when I was there not to carry our Bibles in public. Even if you go to a government sanctioned church. Really?  What I took away from that is what I share when I teach Sunday school.  Bring you Bibles-if for no other reason because you can.  Take that moment of silence in school to pray-if for no other reason because you can.  I get like this each Sunday.  I spend some time praying for my sisters and brothers in China that I had the blessing to worship with. 

I just came to a realization-if I didn't have kids I would probably be a human rights activist.  Probably jailed somewhere.  I recently posted on FB about the documentary about Ai Weiwei.  It is on Netflix is the website.  The chant from China is "Don't Retreat-Retweet!" My problem is I don't read Chinese and I don't use Twitter.  This man has inspired me to start looking into it and seeing  if there is a translate button.  I don't really like the finger art he does but I do appreciate the meaning behind it. 
Funny thing is I know that posting this will now red flag me for when I apply for a visa or probably with hosting any of the Chinese students.  Am I paranoid?  Probably, but there is a theory that all paranoia has its roots in truth.  I seen things that I thought were just stories.  Injustices that were so impossible to believe yet there it was right in front of me.  It is not just China-I speak from that because I was there and saw it really happening.  What amazed me-is how many people still came to myself and others knowing that they were going to be targets long after we left and still came to us, hosted us and was proud to be seen with us.  I asked one person why they put so much at risk-their answer-"it is not a question of if we are caught, but when.  There is a point that you decide that the risk is remaining quiet and passive and not living, not believing not standing.  God's power and protection and eternal life is so much more than what the government can do."  I kept that with me 
Here in America we are giving up our rights-just handing them over to the government because we want to feel protected.  Big brother is watching and doing nothing.  Crimes are on video yet where is the protection to prevent it?  Now there is talk about gun control-when the only people who have guns are the government what is that? Protection or fear induced control of the people?

Boy, today's writing went in a direction I didn't plan on going. However, that is why I titled my blog as I did.  Tomorrow I will list an outline plan for at least one of my resolutions.  Until then I will conclude with a quote from Ai Weiwei.  BTW if you decide to watch the film listed above I will qualify that there is foul language and Ai Weiwei  lives a life style that I do not endorse.  I suggest watching it before allowing children watch.  With that being said-his documentary is the truest to being in China that I have seen represented on film.
“The world is not changing if you don’t shoulder the burden of responsibility.”

— Ai Weiwei (@aiww) on Twitter, December 2, 2009

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Goodbye 2012!...And don't let the door hit you on the way out!

So happy to see this year come to an end.  I feel like the world is just coming to a boiling point-so I was a little disappointed that the Mayans got it wrong.  The world didn't end (maybe it did and this is really hell?) and the future is not promising.  This year has seen tragedy, elections (that could be considered tragedies, BTW I am not talking just about the US elections), financial instability, the downfall of Elmo, school shootings here in the US, school massacres in China and too many other things to mention.
There were good things too-the Olympics were good for a diversion.  Ok I am stuck after the Olympics but I am sure there were other things that I will plug in later.

On a personal note this has been a challenging year.  Started home schooling Hunter, and though it has its times so far that is going really well.  Spencer is starting to come to grips about being Chinese-that has been a long journey.  As for myself-I feel, stagnant. This year has been so much about taking care of everyone and everything else that I really didn't do much to improve myself.  I learned one new thing-loom knitting.  Read the Hunger Games Trilogy and another series (that was incomplete so that didn't stick with me),  That's all that sticks with me.  I didn't even complete any of my Bible memorization challenges or studies this year.

So with that being said I decided that this year I will do something I have never done before.  I will actually make New Year resolutions and, one of them is to blog about it.  So, if you are reading this sorry this really isn't going to be anything pronounced or awe inspiring.  In fact, if you do read this it is probably because I sent you an invite and am hoping you will keep me focus and on track.

Now what do I want to accomplish for the upcoming year?  Fame? Fortune?  Nah.  Wining the lottery does sound tempting.  Seriously-I am going to try to follow a model of a goal for each of the following categories.  Health, Wealth, Knowledge, Spiritual, Hobby and Projects That Have Been Put Off For Far Too Long.

Too many right?  Well I figure if I can apply one each day-I won't get bored and I still will be progressing toward something.  Heck, if I can write each day that will be a miracle in itself.  So here is my resolution sketch out.

Health-as for many, loose weight.  Yet there is one more I want to do-a 5K.

Wealth-earn more money and get to a saving plan-things fell apart when Steve was out of work and we have yet to get back on track.

Knowledge-learning Chinese, and a new word a day with Hunter (English).

Spiritual-to say I am going to read the Bible daily is just not enough.  I want to read with a purpose-so I am still working out that part.  I do want to devote time to fasting this year.  Working out the plan on that one too.

Hobby-I got nothing.

PTHBPOFFTL-Spencer's Life book.

Well, there is all is.  Then next couple of days I will be making a plan because without a plan you plan to fail. 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The house is peaceful. Quiet.  I even have the tv off and it is calming and soothing.  It is a white Christmas.

Goals for the new year.
pay off the loans and the house.-I know big goal but I want this off my shoulders.
plan and price trips to China.