Saturday, December 29, 2012

Goodbye 2012!...And don't let the door hit you on the way out!

So happy to see this year come to an end.  I feel like the world is just coming to a boiling point-so I was a little disappointed that the Mayans got it wrong.  The world didn't end (maybe it did and this is really hell?) and the future is not promising.  This year has seen tragedy, elections (that could be considered tragedies, BTW I am not talking just about the US elections), financial instability, the downfall of Elmo, school shootings here in the US, school massacres in China and too many other things to mention.
There were good things too-the Olympics were good for a diversion.  Ok I am stuck after the Olympics but I am sure there were other things that I will plug in later.

On a personal note this has been a challenging year.  Started home schooling Hunter, and though it has its times so far that is going really well.  Spencer is starting to come to grips about being Chinese-that has been a long journey.  As for myself-I feel, stagnant. This year has been so much about taking care of everyone and everything else that I really didn't do much to improve myself.  I learned one new thing-loom knitting.  Read the Hunger Games Trilogy and another series (that was incomplete so that didn't stick with me),  That's all that sticks with me.  I didn't even complete any of my Bible memorization challenges or studies this year.

So with that being said I decided that this year I will do something I have never done before.  I will actually make New Year resolutions and, one of them is to blog about it.  So, if you are reading this sorry this really isn't going to be anything pronounced or awe inspiring.  In fact, if you do read this it is probably because I sent you an invite and am hoping you will keep me focus and on track.

Now what do I want to accomplish for the upcoming year?  Fame? Fortune?  Nah.  Wining the lottery does sound tempting.  Seriously-I am going to try to follow a model of a goal for each of the following categories.  Health, Wealth, Knowledge, Spiritual, Hobby and Projects That Have Been Put Off For Far Too Long.

Too many right?  Well I figure if I can apply one each day-I won't get bored and I still will be progressing toward something.  Heck, if I can write each day that will be a miracle in itself.  So here is my resolution sketch out.

Health-as for many, loose weight.  Yet there is one more I want to do-a 5K.

Wealth-earn more money and get to a saving plan-things fell apart when Steve was out of work and we have yet to get back on track.

Knowledge-learning Chinese, and a new word a day with Hunter (English).

Spiritual-to say I am going to read the Bible daily is just not enough.  I want to read with a purpose-so I am still working out that part.  I do want to devote time to fasting this year.  Working out the plan on that one too.

Hobby-I got nothing.

PTHBPOFFTL-Spencer's Life book.

Well, there is all is.  Then next couple of days I will be making a plan because without a plan you plan to fail. 


  1. Quite a lot of thinking for your first post and a lot to take on all at once! I admire that you are committing your thoughts to writing, have sketched out a plan, and invited others to help you remain accountable. You're at the head of the class ;). I will offer this little bit of advice; with all your planned endeavors, remember how to eat elephants; one bite at a time. Remember that you will not be perfect at any of it and allow yourself some time off. Hugs!

  2. Don't diminish your accomplishments. Home schooling is a big deal. You put your family first and that is good stuff. I love that you are plotting your course for the year. I appreciate being included on your journey.
